Sthira and sukha SteadIness and ease

In the Yogic texts there is a phrase known as sthira sukham asanam - that there should be steadyness and ease in the postures. This also applies to life and if you’ve known me for some time, you’ve likely heard me reference this.
During my 20 plus years practicing, studying and then teaching Yoga, there has been no greater invitation for me to witness (in myself and in students) the opportunities to practice sthira and sukham - steadiness and ease, than in this past 18 months.

Sure, life is full of opportunities, every single day, world crisis or not. But it has been in the last year and a half where I been that much more astutely aware of them. Relationships have certainly shifted, evolved, or in some cases dissolved. Financial wellness has been put to new tests. Buttons have been pushed, perhaps old wounds re-opened, and all sorts of fears brought to the surface. I am beyond grateful for my daily practice, my yoga practice that is, the one of sitting and calming the mind. The practice of staying rooted and grounded, sure of myself, and the one of ease, lightness and letting go. Each day there is a new opportunity to practice.

Where can you observe yourself and where can you tweak so that you can enjoy a beautiful dance between effort and ease. xo

~ namaste


Strawberry pink watermelon slushie!


MakE your own nut milk In 1..2..3