Are you Working for or against yOurself?

The Universe doesn’t work in mysterious ways.

In fact it doesn’t at all. In fact, it works in very predictable ways.

Each time I resist a feeling, an experience, a person, an energy, it resists back. Each time I embrace one, it flows to me. Right? We know this.

But sometimes I think I am going after what I want when in fact it is not the right thing for me at all, (the ego is verrry clever), and so while I think I want it to flow to me, and I become increasingly impatient when it doesn’t, the Universe knows better and so it makes this thing more difficult to reach, or rather to attract.

This past month was a perfect case and point. I was operating from a mindset that repeated how hard I was working, vs how much was working for me, and despite my “trying” to shift and pivot as things became less flowy, I kept finding I was “being challenged”. I was still enjoying my work in its various forms but there was def some yin yang goin’ on

I did not give up however. Why? Well I am a virgo lol so there’s that.

I could have decided, because of some “obstacles”, that what I was working on or “going after” wasn’t right for me. But these obstacles were not actually obstacles at all but rather moments in time for me to check in with my emotions and then realize that all of it - challenges and emotions, were part of my path. So I chose to continue mainly because deep down I believed I could, even though the mind will try and fuck wichoo every time you start believing, until of course we have trained it well enough.

And so, when something is really not right for us, it becomes more difficult to bring it closer to us. When there are minor challenges, it doesn’t necessarily mean that. All that might mean is that we need to check in, or tune in, to get clear and decide how badly we want something, and also, to see if we are truly aligned, and if we are, the path will clear.

And so, the Universe does not work in mysterious ways. It works in very predictable ways. Remember this, and then watch what happens.

This is a pic of me feeling happy. I thought I’d share it because when I tap into this feeling, many of my obstacles disappear. Happiness can be contagious. I am def not all about Pollyanna, in fact I have always been the opposite. I do know however from experience that when I share my joy, it brings me more, and it also normalizes others sharing theirs!

And one more thing, in addition to setting a morning intention for your day, why not also set one at night, so that the first thing you think of when you wake, is how amazing you want your day to be, before the mind has had a chance to f wichoo.

Believe me, I am not a master at any of this. Just a practitioner. But I believe practice makes... more practice, and practicing attraction is sure as hell a lot more enjoyable than practicing resistance.

Here is a recording to a meditation that may serve you in shifting into creating more gratitude, and more of what you desire.

Photo taken by 📸: Kristen Nicholson


MakE your own nut milk In 1..2..3


Happy IWd! Thank you epicure for interviewing me in honour