Diy Luxurious body butter

Love the skin you’re in, and love what you put on it too!

Ingredients. Organic ingredients are ideal given how much the skin absorbs, but start with what you have!

2 ounces coconut oil (approximately 1⁄3 cup)

2 ounces shea butter (approximately 1⁄3 cup) . Baraka Shea Butter is a small Canadian/Ghanaian family owned business located on Vancouver Island

2 ounces cocoa butter (approximately 1⁄3 cup) 

Optional: 1/4 cup jojoba oil or sweet almond oil. Depending on how thick you like your butter, this can be omitted or added. As always, play around and discover what you love most. I found the 1/3 cup in the original recipe was too much for me so I reduced it.

15-30 drops essential oils (add more if you like). Remember, oils are potent and powerful. Always use caution and if you are unsure how to use them safely, ask a seasoned practitioner. In my last batch I used 8 or so drops clary sage, 10 drops frankincense, 5 drops palma rosa and 5 drops ylang ylang. It was dreamy. You may visit here to check out some of these and other gorgeous oils, and order directly if you see something you love.


In a double boiler or glass bowl, combine all ingredients except essential oils. Bring to medium heat and stir constantly until all ingredients are melted. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Move to the fridge (or freezer for shorter time if you are impatient like me!) and let cool another 1 hour or until starting to harden but still somewhat soft.Use a hand mixer to whip for 10 minutes until fluffy. Add essential oils and whip for another minute. This body butter is just as gorgeous un-whipped. You can simply mix well and leave as is

Store in a glass jar with a lid, in the fridge or in a cool, dark place to prevent oils from becoming too soft. If you prefer a softer butter simply keep it out at room temperature. As you apply it, take in the aromas, love up on your skin and be swept away even for a moment, to another world. xo


nourish yourself


New year, new cookie recipe!